What is the average website performance?

Littledata benchmarked 2,800 ecommece sites in 2023 to find out

Average ecommerce conversion rate is 1.4%

Ecommerce Conversion Rate

We found the average conversion rate for Shopify was 1.4%. Anything more than 3.2% would put you in the best 20% of Shopify stores we benchmark, and more than 4.7% would put you in the best 10%. For mobile visitors this drops to 1.2% average - but the best 10% of stores manage more than 3.9% mobile conversion. For desktop vistitors the average conversion rate rises to 1.9%, and more than 6.5% for the best 10%.

Average revenue per customer is $111

Revenue per Customer

The average revenue per customer across ecommerce was US$ 111. Anything more than US$ 302 would put you in the best 20% of stores, and more than US$ 616 would put you in the best 10%. Revenue per customer of less than US$ 58 would put you in the worst 20% of stores. For Shopify the average was US$ 92. More than US$ 209 would be among the best 20% of Shopify stores, and more than US$ 326 would put you in the best 10%.

Average checkout completion rate is 45%

Checkout Completion Rate

The average checkout completion rate is 45% for Shopify. Anything more than 59% would put you in the best 20% of Shopify stores we benchmark, and more than 66% would put you in the best 10%. For mobile visitors this drops to 44% average - but the best 10% of stores manage more than 64% mobile conversion. For desktop vistitors the average conversion rate rises to 49%, and more than 70% for the best 10%.

Average order value is $101

Average Order Value

The average order value (AOV) across ecommerce was US$ 101. Anything more than US$ 274 would put you in the top 20% of stores, and more than US$ 534 would put you in the top 10%. AOV of less than US$ 54 would put you in the bottom 20% of stores. For Shopify the average AOV was US$ 85. More than US$ 192 would be among the top 20% of Shopify stores, and more than US$ 311 would put you in the top 10%.

Average add-to-cart rate on Shopify is 4.6%

Add-to-cart Rate

The average add to cart rate is 4.6% for Shopify. An add to cart rate of more than 7.5% would put you in the best 20% of Shopify stores, and more than 9.6% would put you in the best 10%. Add to cart rate is higher for fashion stores at 5.4%, and similar for food and beverage stores at 4.8%.

Average pages per session is 2.6 for ecommerce

Pages per session

The average pages per session was 2.6 for ecommerce stores. Anything more than 4 pages per session would put you in the best 20% of stores, and more than 5.2 pages per session would put you in the best 10%. A metric of pages per session less than 1.7 would put you in the worst 20% of stores. For Shopify the average was 2.8 pages per session. More than 4 pages would be among the best 20% of Shopify stores.

Average server response time is 450ms

Server response time

The average server response time was 450 milliseconds for ecommerce stores. Shopify has a significantly faster server response time at 380 milliseconds, versus the average Magento site as 820 milliseconds and the average WooCommerce site at 780 milliseconds. A quicker response time makes more pages load faster, and allows users to buy more.

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