We found the average conversion rate for Shopify was 1.4%. Anything more than 3.2% would put you in the best 20% of Shopify stores we benchmark, and more than 4.7% would put you in the best 10%. For mobile visitors this drops to 1.2% average - but the best 10% of stores manage more than 3.9% mobile conversion. For desktop vistitors the average conversion rate rises to 1.9%, and more than 6.5% for the top decile.
For food & beverage stoes, the average conversion rate was 1.5%. Anything more than 4.1% would put you in the best 20% of food & beverage stores we benchmark, and more than 6.2% would put you in the best 10%. For mobile visitors this drops to 1.2% average - but the best 10% of stores manage more than 4.8% mobile conversion. For desktop vistitors the average conversion rate rises to 2.2%, and more than 8.9% for the best 10%.
In style & fashion the average conversion rate for was 1.9%. More than 4.3% would put you among the best 20% converting fashion stores, and more than 6.1% would put you in the top decile of stores. For mobile visitors this drops to 1.2% conversion rate average - but the best 10% of stores manage more than 3.4% mobile conversion. For desktop vistitors the average conversion rate rises to 1.9%, and more than 6.1% for the top decile.
For travel websites the average conversion rate for was 0.2%. The best 20% of travel sites converted at 2%, and the top 10% at 3.4%. Ecommerce conversion rate of less than 0.1% would put you in the bottom 20% of stores. For mobile the average travel conversion rate was 0.1%, and for desktop the travel average was 0.5%.
For finance websites the average conversion rate for was 0.2%. The best 20% of finance sites converted at 2.2%, and the top decile at 3.2%. An ecommerce conversion rate of less than 0.1% would put you in the bottom 20% of stores. On mobile the average finance site conversion rate was 0.1%, and for desktop the finace average was 0.5%.